On 5 and 6 February 2018 the Blockchain2Business conference is taking place in Amsterdam. The event’s aim is to address the core of blockchain potential in the energy field. The participants of the event are authors of the most important block energy projects in Europe and in the world. Virtual Power Plant is the only Polish company present at the conference.  

Blockchain is regarded as a revolutionary technology potentially disrupting the energy field.  What are the current and future applications of blockchain in the renewable energy field? How will it impact current business models? Is it revolutionary or speculative hype? This conference will bring together developers, utilities, startups, consultants, technology leaders, investors and regulators.

BiznesAlert.pl, a Polish business web portal, published today an article by Grzegorz Nowaczewski, CEO of VPPlant. The story is about different energy projects using the blockchain technology. Please, read the full article “Blockchain wchodzi na salony” (only in Polish).