

Bartosz Kwiatkowski: What Can One Do With an Electric Car?

Last week Bartosz Kwiatkowski, driv2e's CEO, took part in the Vehicle-Grid Integration Summit hosted by the Technical University of Denmark. In his article he presents the most interesting conclusions from the event.  'I strongly believe that both cars and the...

Report. Electric vehicles as an element of power grid

The Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA) and the British Embassy in Poland have prepared a report on the development of electromobility and the problem of integrating electric vehicles with power grids. The publication systematizes knowledge about the...

driv2e will take part in Startupbootcamp FastTrack in Berlin

On 10th September driv2e will present its solution during Startupbootcamp FastTrack in Berlin. We have been invited by the organizers - Energy Australia, the leading global accelerator for innovative startups in the smart energy space.   Startupbootcamp FastTracks are...

Engerati. The webinar with VPPlant’s CEO

We invite you to listen to a webinar with Grzegorz Nowaczewski. VPPlant's CEO presented an idea of driv2e that provides facility managers of commercial properties (office buildings, shopping centres, sport venues) with the platform for managing EV charging services,...

Engerati Meets in Vienna: VPPlant will present driv2e

Grzegorz Nowaczewski, the CEO of VPPlant, will deliver a presentation 'Managed EV charging for energy efficiency' during the conference Engerati Meets, which will take place on June 18-19 in Vienna. In his speech he will present driv2e - the platform for...

VPPlant CEO to be a speaker at PropTech Now

We are proud to inform you that Grzegorz Nowaczewski, the CEO of VPPlant, has been invited as a speaker to Property Technology conference “PropTech Now.” The event will take place on June 5 in Warsaw Spire. PropTech Now connects companies from around the world. The...

driv2e: The e-future has arrived [video]

We are happy to invite you to watch a short film about the idea of driv2e - the platform for managing EV charging services, while continuously optimizing energy infrastructure of the building. Our platform is addressed to facility managers of commercial...

VPPlant will present driv2e during the EventHorizon 2018 in Berlin

On 17-19 April 2018 EventHorizon 2018 takes place in Berlin – the global summit on the use of Blockchain technology in the energy sector. During the event Virtual Power Plant, as one of 40 startups from all over the world, will present own innovative solution....

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